Donor registry drive worth community support

Residents of Bartholomew County have demonstrated many times over the years their ability to help individuals in need. Next month, community residents have another opportunity to lend a valuable hand.

The Community Church of Columbus is hosting a marrow donor registry drive from 1 to 5 p.m. Sept. 10 at the church, 3850 N. Marr Road.

It is intended to find a bone marrow match for Columbus resident Jennifer Poueriet, a 30-year-old woman who was diagnosed with acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) in May.

While the drive could find a match for Poueriet that could enable her to receive a needed bone marrow transplant, adding one’s name to the registry also could help find matches for other cancer patients in need of a bone marrow transplant.

Ages 18 to 44 are preferred as donors, but people up to 60 are eligible to join the registry, according to The process is simple, involving just a cheek swab.

Even people who can’t attend in person can join the registry online at and request a cheek swab kit.

A few minutes of one’s time could make a life-changing difference for someone sick with cancer.

Age-eligible residents should seize the opportunity to join the registry and see if they can help save someone’s life. That’s a cause worthy of rallying around.