Letter: Improving health care is really up to all of us

From: John Keele


Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer said in a recent interview with Charlie Rose that “18 percent of our country’s GDP is spent on health care, whereas others, like Germany, is 10 percent, and UK is 8 percent. How can other countries cover everybody, and their people live longer, at about half the amount we’re spending as a country? We need to look at the whole system … change our system so that costs are aligned, so everyone can get more and better coverage. The numbers are there to do it.”

With the failure of the Congress this year to make any forward progress on health care beyond what the Affordable Care Act accomplished in better coverage for millions more people, let’s get serious toward changes that will result in everyone having health care, at less cost than the 18 percent of GDP now being spent.

To get your thinking going on possibilities for moving forward, attend the public conversation speaker event at 7 p.m. today in Kroot Auditorium at Columbus Regional Hospital. Dr. Rob Stone, director of Hoosiers for a Commonsense Health Plan and Indiana state coordinator for Physicians for a National Health Program, is the speaker.