Orchids to …
• Holly at Southern Indiana Nephrology, for being so kind and helpful to me on the phone.
• Larry Jackson for the best letter to the editor ever.
• those minority youths who believe in themselves and proceed to greatness.
• all who helped make Troop 549’s spaghetti supper fundraiser a success; to Burger King, Fazoli’s, Kroger, Snappy Tomato and Little Caesars for their generous donations; and to the families’ generous donation of time and effort.
• Mrs. Baker for teaching your students how to write a literary analysis paper that will serve them well in middle and high school, from a grateful parent.
• Tamara Kiel for returning our garbage cans.
• Dr. Park and Dr. Pusca for my life; it’s been five years.
• Kelly Simpson and her dad who found my money clip and made efforts to find me and return it, from Richard Crossman.
• Comcast’s greatest technician, Robert Morris, who did wonderful rewiring work to get my computer and phone service working again, from Betty.
• Larry Jackson and Mike Zieles for their letters to the editor saying what too many are afraid to say.
• Heather at The Eye Place for the super job adjusting my glasses, from Mary.
• drone flyers for keeping parking lots safer.
• the honest person who turned in my purse at the grocery store.
Onions to …
• the driver who tailed me on U.S. 31 and State Road 7 on Sunday night when roads were bad.
• people who support allowing illegal immigrants to stay in our country.
• the letter writer who felt the need to attack the left while whining about how unfair it is to the right.
• the letter writer telling minorities how they should view life and failing to see the dark irony in such a letter.
• people who refer to family reunification as chain migration.
• those who do not realize they determine their own destiny.
• those who don’t agree there are much better uses for federal taxpayer money than a military parade.
• those who think taking a knee during our national anthem is the proper way to protest injustice to minorities.
• anyone who calls their fellow Americans “unAmerican” and “treasonous” simply because they don’t share the same beliefs or ideals.
• the onion writer who thinks gun control will stop mass shootings, because guns are inanimate objects.
• the person who makes sexist remarks toward women and openly devalues them.
• those who can’t get a haircut right even with a picture.
• those who wanted to build 25th Street from Tally Road to State Road 9, but never take care of it in bad weather.
• anyone who politicizes the tragic death of Colts linebacker Edwin Jackson.
• people who have yet to ask the question, “How does the police and fire know who to contact when a homeowner isn’t home?”
• our leader who is headed toward dictatorship.
• people scared to say “thoughts and prayers.”
Happy Birthday to …
• Beverly Brown, from Bethel Baptist Church and friends.
• Zachary Simo, from Grandma Weddle.
• Sarah Ballman, from Aunt Marian, the Kirbys and the Millers.
• Brandon, from Wanda.
• Leah George, from Mrs. Erickson.
• Donna Kuhlman, from Pat and Mike.