From: David and Judy Harpenau
Since the horrific tragedy that occurred at Parkland, Florida two weeks ago, much has been written and talked about in terms of needed remediation. The youth in Parkland have started a movement, and because of their energy and determination, something meaningful may actually take place.
However, we must comment about the suggestion being made and promoted by our president and some members of Congress to train and arm classroom teachers. The National Rifle Association and the president are increasingly promoting this as the No. 1 option, which will promote additional sale of guns.
This option is so very ludicrous at so many levels. There are many reasons for it not to be considered, much less enacted. Our teachers are trained to be educators, not to be gunslingers. They are dedicated to the well-being of the students they serve. Let’s let teachers do what they love to do.
There are so many other options — universal background checks, banning the sale of AR-15 rifles, raising the age limit for the purchase of a gun — that need to be considered and implemented. The arming of teachers option should be considered only after other more reasonable options have been implemented and failed.
On a related note, in Thursday’s issue of The Indianapolis Star there was a front-page article that told about three current proposed bills being considered in the Indiana Legislature that would, in effect, “loosen firearm restrictions” in the state. Indiana is once again swimming in a direction counter to much of America. One alarming proposal would allow firearms to be brought on church grounds, even if a school is located on the same premise. We ask why this specific change is even being considered. Pretty scary stuff.
Support our teachers and support more commonsense and effective gun law restrictions.