Applicator training, 1 p.m., live webcast at Purdue Extension Bartholomew County, 783 South Marr Road in Columbus. Both private and commercial applicator credits will be offered to those attending. Purdue Extension Weed Science Specialist Bill Johnson will present the mandatory Dicamba training followed by a weed update for the 2018 season. Dicamba Training required of all who will use Dicamba herbicide in an agricultural application. To register, call Purdue Extension Bartholomew County at 812-379-1665. Those needing private applicator credits are asked to bring $10 and their applicator credential.
Homesteading workshop, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Purdue Extension Bartholomew County, 783 S. Marr Road, Columbus. Date has been rescheduled from April 7. The event is free. Bring your own food. To register call 812-379-1665.
27 to 29
Stockdogs workshop, Switzerland County. The workshop is intended to answer questions about what stockdogs can add to a farm livestock operation and training. Demonstrations will include dogs doing chores, such as gathering livestock, watching gates and moving livestock off feed bunks. Cost is $80 daily to work dogs with a clinician and $30 for auditing. Information:, the Clarfield Stockdogs page on Facebook or [email protected].
Twilight Pasture Walk, 6:30 p.m., location disclosed when registering. Rain date May 10. Registration open. Free. To register call Purdue Extension Bartholomew County at 812-379-1665.
Pond clinic, 4 to 6 p.m., location disclosed when registering. Registration open. Free. To register call Purdue Extension Bartholomew County at 812-379-1665.