It’s time once again to visit with our friends at Utopia Wildlife as the refuge center begins its monthly programs. Enjoy a live animal program at 1 p.m. the first Saturday of the month, April through October. The program starts in the Utopia amphitheater and is followed by a tour of the property, 18300 E. County Road 200N, Hope. See and learn about a wide range of Indiana wildlife. The event is weather-permitting, and a free-will offering is suggested. Information: utopiawildlife.org.
Once you’ve visited with your wild friends, see your friends get wild onstage during Crooners for CASA. The program features teams of competitors performing karaoke-style numbers to compete for votes in the form of contributions to Advocates for Children. Catch the crooners 6:30 p.m. Saturday at The Commons, 300 Washington St. Information: croonersforcasa.com.