A pilot program created through a partnership between the city and the Bartholomew Consolidated School Corp. is giving students with disabilities an opportunity to gain work experience.
The Columbus Parks and Recreation Department is making paid positions available to students based on their interests in different areas, said Nikki Murphy, director of sports programs.
The collaboration between the city and BCSC resulted from discussions involving a committee made up of individuals from the city, Cummins Inc. and other organizations that meets monthly, Murphy said. The committee is focused on helping provide work experience for individuals with disabilities in the community.
Positions are available to individuals ages 14 and older, with students going through an interview process, Murphy said.
Three applications have been received so far. Two are students at Columbus East High School and the third is a student from Columbus North.
Murphy said one individual who has applied has expressed an interest working in park operations, while another is seeking a job with gymnastics. Other positions also are available, she said.
“We’ve been looking at concessions, sports,” Murphy said. “Depending on what they’re looking for, there are openings year-round.
For more on this story, see Saturday’s Republic.