Work on the State Street Revitalization Project, which is expected to wrap up next month, will include a new look at several crosswalks in the area.
The Columbus Board of Works on Tuesday approved three change orders for phase 2A of the State Street project. The changes include the removal of sculptural red wave elements for $300,000 due to safety concerns that children’s fingers and hands could get caught in them, said Heather Pope, city redevelopment director.
The change orders approved by the Columbus Board of Works on Tuesday include installation of decorative Dancing C panels along State Street at a cost of $220,055, Pope said.
In addition, piano key crosswalks will be put in on the south side of State Street at Stadler Drive and Hege Avenue, in addition to Red, Hinman, Beatty and Jones streets for $4,590, Pope said. The three change orders bring the revised contract amount with Dave O’Mara Contractor to $2.24 million, according to the city.
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Public green spaces at Stadler Drive and at Indiana Avenue and State Street are also beginning to take shape with the installation of brick pavers, concrete benches, landscaping, mulch and sod expected to begin in the next few weeks, Pope said.
Decorative crosswalks with different colors of the Dancing C’s will also be put in at McKinley Avenue, Pence Calla Street, Dahn Street and Indiana Avenue, she said. Work on phase 2A is expected to be completed by the end of May, Pope said.