Letter: Brighter Days helpful; needs volunteers, support

From: John Brooks


Undesirables, really? What does it say about an individual who would call another human person undesirable. Surely not someone I would ever want to associate with or live in my community.

I know of no perfect people; we all make mistakes, make bad decisions and are sometimes the victims of circumstance. How can our community, which prides itself on inclusion and being welcoming, expect people who are hungry and do not have a place to sleep to find jobs, secure housing and become valuable members of the community?

I have recently become a volunteer at Brighter Days Housing and Love Chapel’s food pantry, and the needs are real and the dedication and effort is exemplary. That is not to say there are not problems, but when you weigh the problems against the needs answered, it is an easy decision.

The Brighter Days property is one of, if not, the best kept properties in the area. Brighter Days has a twofold mission. The first is to offer emergency shelter to individuals in need, and the second is to offer shelter and services, with dedicated case managers, to transition back into the community.

Community is the solution. Housing does not solve homelessness, just as treatment centers do not solve the drug problem and meal sites do not solve the hunger problem. Community does. People becoming engaged, empathetic, understanding, caring and compassionate towards every person in the community. People who are concerned when members do not have the basics of life most of us take for granted: a place to sleep, food to eat, clothes to wear and a job to work.

We are all called as members of the community, not to judge but to be empathetic, compassionate, understanding and caring to everyone. Brighter Days, Love Chapel and many other service organizations need volunteers and support, and I read about a list in the Republic on Saturday that contained 180 names. I call on each of them to become involved and engaged.

Be proud that east Columbus was chosen for Brighter Days and Love Chapel. Help recognize them for the good works they perform and the importance of their mission for the community. I know I am.