8:45 a.m.: Police have been notified the train is expected to clear the two intersections within the next 15 minutes. Major traffic backups have occurred and it will take some time for the backup to clear. Police have reported that Bartholomew Consolidated School Corp. buses have been delayed by the train stop.
8:40 a.m.: Columbus police are reporting the train that had stopped and blocked the tracks for about 10 minutes at two intersections is now moving. Columbus police do have officers on the west side of the blockage to handle calls.
Original story: Columbus police are notifying the public that a train has made a stop blocking the State Road 46/State Road 11 intersection, and the intersection at County Road 200S.
A technician is on the way, but police said they do not have an estimated time of arrival for the train to move.
Motorists are advised to avoid the area and take State Road 58 to State Road 11 into Columbus, or County Road 325W to Lowell Road from the west side.
Updates will be posted here.