Student debt crisis creates ethical dilemma

Dear Amy: Would it be wrong to ask my mother to use her inheritance from her father (my grandfather) to pay off some of my student loans?

I graduated nine years ago into a terrible job market and I am just now breaking out into a decent, good-paying career.

However, I have barely made a dent on my student loans from being unemployed and underemployed for many years. I am also hard-of-hearing and this contributed to my employment search struggles.

My mom bragged about spending $11,000 on new windows for the house. It was a perfectly valid purchase, but I could not help feeling resentful hearing about it. That amount would have paid off a third of my loans!

I feel shameful seeing my peers with their debts paid off, while I continue to struggle.

What is the right thing to do here?

— Student loan woes

Dear Loan Woes:

Before going to your mother, you should educate yourself and explore any and every opportunity to renegotiate your loan terms. Check for information on consolidating and repaying federal loans. is a commercial site offering lots of information on how to organize and consolidate, as well as tips to perhaps lower your payments.