Around Town – July 23

Orchids to …

• all the people who brought recycling to the Bartholomew County trash collection this weekend.

• to Fairlawn Presbyterian Church for helping with the back-to-school notes, from Lincoln-Central Neighborhood Family Center.

• television networks capturing the president’s rhetoric and the seething anger of his hardcore base.

• to the chef and staff at Ruby Tuesday’s in Edinburgh for a wonderful meal, because everything was cooked just right and was hot when I received it.

• mail carriers for delivering during the brutally hot weather.

• to Mayor Jim Lienhoop, Columbus Fire Department, Coca-Cola Bottling Company, Marco’s Pizza, Su Casa Columbus, TRIAD, CPD, the sheriff’s department, CHIRP Inc., Dell Brothers Inc., Avodah Acres Inc. and 818 Feed My Sheep for helping make the Union Street Crime Watch happen.

• the young man who brought two cantaloupes to our car on Central Avenue, from an appreciative elderly couple.

Onions to …

• Attorney General Hill’s lawyers who think that it’s OK for an attorney general to behave like a drunken college frat boy in a bar.

• people who don’t recognize reverse racism and hypocrisy.

• the city government for wasting almost $130,000 of the city’s and former mayor’s money because they wouldn’t obey the law.

• city officials for their lack of transparency and their fight to defy the public access laws at our expense.

• anyone who doesn’t realize if you’re allowed to consume 32 ounces of alcohol while pedaling around Columbus, it will end with you legally intoxicated and driving home.

• lawn experts who want to decide when neighbors cut their grass when it’s none of their business.

• those who have nothing better to do than to count the number of Onions and Orchids in the paper.

• the restaurant that charges 75 cents for six little rings of raw onion.

• a president who thought America was so bad he had to make it great again, yet criticizes and bullies others who wants to make positive changes.

• the Christian teacher who did not practice patience with his students.

• the division created by the supposed inclusionist.

• the bicycle rider who chose to go the wrong way on 10th from Central Avenue on Saturday morning, nearly causing an accident.

• people who harass people at a fast food restaurant.

• exes who continue to harass each other and put the children in the middle.

• anyone who thinks that those with a different opinion from theirs should leave the country, when only dictatorships work like that, because democracy and different points of view bring creative solutions.

• the police department for having “closed” on their doors Saturday when I tried to return a found wallet.

• the four congresswomen whose use of “racist” makes the term worthless.

• the highway department for leaving all the cornstalks piled beside Jonesville Road/ State Road 11 below the State Road 46 intersection, leaving an unsightly mess.

• the restaurant under new management that has raised prices over $3, which hurts seniors and school kids.

• Republicans in the House and Senate for not condemning racism.

• the bombast and demagoguery coming out of the nation’s White House.

• the ugly and hate-curdled chant at the president’s rally.

Happy Birthday to …

• Amanda Carrigan, from friends at Bethel Baptist Church.

• George Furgeson.

• Becky Goecker, from Max, A.J., Emma, Kayla, Bob, Jeri, and your friends and family.

• Linda Cutrell from Jean and Kim.

Happy Anniversary to …

• Gary and Joyce Bragg from your family, Leta and Donna.

ANOTHER beautiful morning