Orchids to …
• Tom and Tammy Laine for your beautiful display of the American flag, from J. Roslen.
• Lawns Plus of Hope for their outstanding work and compassion, stopping a lawn mower and moving a huge, green frog to safety.
• the Walmart associates at Merchants Mile who took care of me when I became ill while shopping on Wednesday.
• the staff at Parkside Court for their wonderful hospitality and refreshments, from all the members of the FGC Extension Homemaker Club.
• those who love and protect life and freedom, and therefore defend free people’s right to be armed.
• those responsible for the ICE raids for helping get illegals out of our country.
• Joe Biden for reminding us of what presidential dignity and intelligence looks like.
• the Democrats for doing everything in their power to undermine this president’s agenda.
• President Trump for all his accomplishments despite all the useless investigations and uncalled-for hatred from the Democrats.
• Richard Gold for his excellent letter to the editor, which we agree with.
• Kelly Norman at Fifth Third Bank for going above and beyond, from a satisfied customer.
• Sandy Hammons for always opening her home to the Common Ground Garden Club.
• Greg Newton at Gillman Home Center for his kind very knowledgeable assistance, from Gayle Easton.
Onions to …
• to the uninformed public that think a semi-automatic hunting and sporting rifle is an “assault weapon” just because of how it looks.
• the local administration for labeling the local homeless individuals as a zoning problem.
• the government for continuing to separate children from their parents.
• neighbors who encroach, slander and don’t mind their own business.
• those asserting a myopic and alarmingly ahistorical view that racism’s roots in politics trace back only to 1968.
• fatuous leftists and members of the media who call freedom-loving and forgotten Americans racists.
• those who think we value guns more than lives when the truth is if someone wants to murder the masses, they’ll find ways to do it — whether getting guns illegally or using different weapons.
• people who think banning guns will eliminate mass killings when they’re forgetting Sept. 11, the Oklahoma City bombing and the Unabomber.
• those who say guns kill people, because if that’s true we need to do away with cigarettes, alcohol, cell phones, forks and vehicles.
• the trailer court that’s full of dead grass where they sprayed weed poisoning.
• the letter writers advocating for Democrats.
• Democrats for preaching tolerance except for those who don’t go along with their ideas.
• liberal letter writers who can’t seem to escape the fantasy world in which they’re living.
• the idea that more gun control is the answer to all these public shootings, because we need better mental health care for those how can’t afford it.
Happy Birthday to …
• Donna Lizenby, from your family, Leta and Donna.
• Alicia Higgins, from your family and Donna.
• Dakota Lynn Chilton, my grandson, on his third birthday.
Happy Anniversary to …
• Alan and Becki Ashbrook.
• Jeffrey and Tracy Harker.
• ANOTHER beautiful morning