Orchids to …
• Kara at First Financial in Hope for all her help opening an account Friday evening and Saturday morning.
• the kind lady that assisted me in securing postage and mailing an envelope at the post office early Sunday afternoon.
• the county commissioners and the county highway department for the beautiful new overlay of asphalt on South County Road 340E in the Azalia neighborhood.
• the operator of the mowing rig that did a beautiful job mowing the roadsides and trimming all the overhanging brush north of Azalia, making a nice appearance and pleasant, safe driving.
• Dr. Sherlock and nurse Shelby for taking care of an unusual problem, from a grateful patient and for Pam, who has no idea what might be next.
• those with the common sense to realize angry rhetoric sows the seeds of violence.
• the party that paid for my lunch at Cracker Barrel on Sunday.
• Sherry Grimes for another courageous letter exposing the true nature of a misguided leftist.
• Peter’s Heating and Air conditioning for sending the rebate to Duke and for the thorough instructions for the rebate.
• Richard Gold for his fantastic, truthful letter.
• the nice gentleman on Tulip Drive who came over to tell us our packages had been delivered to his address.
• a poll showing that a majority of Republicans and of Democrats support requiring background checks for all gun buyers.
• Joe Biden, who would support legislation banning assault weapons.
• a poll showing that a majority of gun owners support requiring background checks for all gun buyers.
• polls showing that Democrats and Republicans support banning assault-style weapons.
• Democrats campaigning to make America good again.
• Derek Winters for helping change the tire at Cummins.
• Sherry Grimes for putting in writing what so many of us think but haven’t said.
• those who sit and think about what’s happening in the country in the soul of America and stop writing checks to Donald Trump.
Onions to …
• the writer of the letter for his fake news misquotes and taking words out of context in statements about our president.
• the church that defied the city’s comprehensive plan in tearing down houses.
• the trailer court that harms the grass and birds with weed poisoning.
• any person who would claim an AK-47 is a sporting rifle.
• all the illegals in town that have to have a bunch of kids.
• the frequent letter writer whose letters are not true, not silent and are not a majority.
• Democratic candidates who think gun control will fix a morality issue.
• Democrats for incivility.
• states that ignore federal laws.
• states that pick and choose which laws to enforce.
• those who want more gun laws when we don’t enforce laws we have.
• people forgetting Obama had 32 “mass shootings” under his watch and he did nothing to stop them.
• those who continue to blame the government for separating children from parents, when it clearly is the parents who cause the separation when they knowingly commit a crime by entering the country illegally.
• the letter writer who cannot submit a letter without spewing hatred towards Democrats.
• all the people who thoughtlessly ride bikes on sidewalks intended for pedestrians, endangering me and other pedestrians.
• the letter writer who falsely claims America boasts about its minority organizations.
• the mayor’s office for not sending a representative to the remembrance vigil held for the El Paso and Dayton shooting victims.
• law enforcement for not having a presence at the remembrance vigil held for the El Paso and Dayton shooting victims.
• people that do not realize if you take all guns away we’ll all be sitting ducks waiting for the slaughter.
• anyone that’s going to negative towards the United States, because we may not be perfect but we are the best.
• the groundskeeper who has ignored the rose bushes by the entrances, which have been eaten alive.
• those who blame the instrument and a group instead of the individual who commits the crime.
• the team member for his highly disgraceful/disrespectful action of taking a knee during the national anthem.
• people who speed through subdivisions while children are waiting at their bus stops
• the letter writer who parrots right-wing talking points instead of actually talking to Democrats and finding out what they really believe in.
• law enforcement for not ticketing the driver of a navy blue Nissan sedan with dark tinted windows who races with reckless lane changes into town every day from Goeller Boulevard to State Road 46 into town.
• DARE, the popular drug education program, which seems to have no measurable effect on drug use.
• the president using the incendiary word invasion which has nothing to do with facts.
• delivery companies who don’t even know what street they’re on.
• the trailer court that sprays weed killer, getting rid of most of the birds as well.
• anyone who would write a letter such as Sunday’s when we’ve watched a week’s worth of stories about mass shootings in which parents were killed protecting babies.
• this president for draconian policies spreading into Mexico and affecting the way Mexico governs.
• the person that lives in the subdivision east of town who can’t take care of his house and whose property is an eyesore.
• the silver car Monday morning at Central and Rocky Ford road that disregarded the bus stop arm.
Happy Birthday to …
• Andy Norman.
• Alexandrea Marie Whittington, from Great-Aunt Elsie.
• Doug Condon, from Jalen.
• Roger Clark from Rick, Rhonda Brown and family.
• Rachel Lane, from your family.
Happy Anniversary to …
• Shawn and Vicky Miller on No. 25, from mom, the Kirbys.
• Mom and Dad from Zachary, Lindsay, Weston and Daisy.
• ANOTHER beautiful morning