Around Town – September 3

Orchids to …

• the Democrats in Congress who are resisting the misdeeds of this president from being swept under the rug.

• the person who found my keys on a little red purse shaped key chain and gave them to Walmart’s lost and found department.

• Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb’s office for securing federal disaster assistance to farmers who have losses due to excessive rain and flooding.

• whoever or whatever returned Randy Ollis on Channel 8 to DirecTV.

Onions to …

• the national chain restaurant on South National Road that had an American flag and took it down.

• those who trash Trump supporters and claim the man is bad for our country and have no clue as to how really bad it would have been if Hillary Clinton had won.

• the new Trump administration policy that makes it more difficult for our troops stationed overseas to get citizenship for their children.

• anyone who still believes that China is paying for Trump’s tariffs and Mexico is paying for Trump’s yet-to-be-built wall.

• those who think that career politicians, regardless if they are Democrat or Republican, actually care about the average American.

• all football coaches who treat special teams as an afterthought.

• teachers who encourage students to build each other up, but when given a chance to help fellow teachers, tear them down instead.

• the columnist that seems to forget the Obama administration had 32 “mass shootings” on its watch and did nothing.

• anyone who believes that the hoopla about fires in Brazil is nothing more than a politically-motivated scam.

• a Brown County driver in a rush who pulled out in front of me.

• the Trump administration official for mocking and making a joke about farmers at the Minnesota Farmfest.

• the Trump administration trade polices causing farmer bankruptcies and suicides.

• the Trump administration allowing big oil to seize land from farmers and ranchers throughout the Midwest by eminent domain to build an oil pipeline.

• people who don’t know that Barack Obama has been voted the most admired man in the world for the last 11 years in a row.

• those who confuse Second Amendment rights with the right to own a weapon of war because there was nothing like today’s high capacity weapons available when this right was conceived more than 200 years ago.

• the hate and division fostered by the current administration that can take some of the blame for the increase in mass shootings.

• this president who calls everyone who opposes him a liar and I remember as a kid an oft-used truism that stated “it takes one to know one.”

• the hospital that has their parking lot blocked off.

• the hospital that hasn’t fixed their elevator.

• the hospital that takes forever to do anything.

• two-faced Christians.

• the owner of two little dogs who use my backyard as a bathroom and steal my bird food.

• the divided nature of Congress, the Senate and the nation.

Happy Birthday to …

• Tim Kelch, from your family and Donna

• Linda Dollens, from Joseph Hart Chapter DAR.

• Erin Ruffin, from Joseph Hart Chapter DAR.

• Jim Tutton, from Friends of Bethel Baptist Church.

• Willy Homer Cash, from Pastor Marvin Brown and Trinity Baptist Church.

ANOTHER beautiful morning