Love outpaces all: Church’s fundraising 5K supports Love Chapel

Local sports broadcaster Sam Simmermaker announces each entrant crossing the finish in last year's Seeds of Love 5K. Submitted

Rob Lilly has traversed seemingly a million miles of full marathons, half marathons and 5Ks in 40 years of running.

“But, it never really hit me how much work it actually takes to get one of these events prepared for everyone,” he said.

That is, until he and his wife, Debra Lilly, began helping coordinate First Baptist Church’s Seeds of Love 5K fundraiser for Love Chapel. That’s the local Christian churches’ outreach that helps some 1,200 households monthly with groceries or expenses. They are among a team of volunteers making sure the event gets off on the right foot.

Last year’s fundraiser attracted 142 entrants and generated $12,000 for the local nonprofit that has been around for 51 years. And the next one is set for 8 a.m. Sept. 21 with the start at the church at 3300 Fairlawn Drive in Columbus. People can register up until just before the event.

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The Lillys are more than happy to keep their steps behind the scenes to support the effort that helps the struggling.

“This is a great way to serve,” Debra Lilly said. “And it’s a great way way to have fun.”

In the past, entire segments of families have walked or run the 3-plus-mile course together. And church members do more than walk and run. They also spearhead a canned food drive beforehand for the ministry’s pantry.

Plus, the event features some 50 door prizes, from restaurant gift certificates to electronics. The Lillys love the fact that their church has long been sensitive to community needs.

“I think we’ve always been in pretty much that mode (of assistance),” Debra Lilly said. “I definitely think it’s important for churches to reach out and help others as much as they can.”

Kelly Daugherty, executive director of Love Chapel Ministries, is extremely appreciative of First Baptist’s commitment and effort, especially since the fundraising total ranks right alongside funds generated by other events such as a Cummins Inc. car show and the Valentine’s Day radio event called Love Songs For Love Chapel.

“It’s among the most significant fundraisers of the year,” Daugherty said. “All combined, they contribute especially significantly.”

Besides the money raised, First Baptist also solicits a contribution of eggs from Seymour’s Rose Acre Farms for the event. That food goes straight to the Love Chapel pantry.

Rob Lilly, who has run the event twice, simply loves being a part of it all for several reasons.

“For one, it’s for a very good cause,” he said. “Plus, it’s good exercise, and it doesn’t even take very long (to do).”

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What: First Baptist Church’s Eighth Annual Seeds of Love 5K walk/run event to raise money for the Love Chapel food pantry, an outreach of the Ecumenical Assembly of Bartholomew County Churches, of which First Baptist is a member. 

When: 8 a.m. Sept. 21.

Where: First Baptist Church, 3300 Fairlawn Drive in Columbus.

Entry fee: $20 per adult walker or runner or $15 for those 16 and younger. Must sign up by Monday in order to qualify for an event T-shirt.

To enter:
