Letter to the editor: Reader defends local downtown business

From: Jolinda Smiar


In reading the Onions in Saturday’s paper I was amused by one of the onions calling out a local downtown business. The Onion was for the person/persons getting kicked out of the establishment for being Trump supporters.

The establishment in question is by no means a politically-ran business. I have worked in the establishment and know the owners and staff very well. This establishment is open to anyone and everyone over the age of 21 with proper identification, and here is the kicker: people who are not already intoxicated beyond their ability to act like adults.

The people or person that wrote the Onions in the paper got asked to leave the downtown business because they were already intoxicated and were not cooperating with the staff. The staff did try to get water and food into to these already drunk people to help sober them up a little bit. The people in the group refused the food and water and got out of control when told they were not being served any more alcohol and were asked to leave.

For those of the public that are wondering the reason the establishment did not serve the group and did not tolerate their behavior is simply because they care. Yes, they care, they care about every person that comes into the business. They do not care if the person in their establishment is white, brown, blue, orange, gay, straight, trans, or any other combination of human that there is in the world. They do care if you come into the establishment and can’t stand, slur your words, act like a self-privileged 2-year-old and disrupt an otherwise great night for other adults who are acting responsibly.

The group that wrote the Onions about the downtown establishment, shame on you. First, for calling out the establishment by name. That was uncalled for. Second, for the blaming a business for doing their job when it was the groups fault for getting so intoxicated they didn’t know how to act like adults. And lastly, for blaming someone else for their bad choices.

In closing, I would like to say that the establishment downtown did what any responsible bar owner and personnel should have done. The establishment is an upstanding establishment and has upstanding and responsible adults working for them.