Orchids to …
• leaving the Middle East once and for all.
• Barack Obama for giving us health care that protects pre-existing conditions, something President Trump is trying to take away with his lawsuit.
• Elizabeth Kirkpatrick, Jerry Hershey and Larry Hanson for feeding us and chaperoning our lock-in, from the Fairlawn Presbyterian Church Youth Group.
• ZwanzigZ for supporting Just Friends Adult Day Services.
• our Republican president and Republicans.
• all of the Democratic presidential candidates, any one of whom would be 1,000 times more trustworthy and competent than what we have today.
• Ken for the great letter about mayoral priorities.
• the nice gentlemen who bought our lunch at Red Lobster on Tuesday from the World War II vet and his daughter.
• Terrie R. at Dr. Wilson’s office for being so nice and compassionate to me, from Lisa W.
• Project Veritas for exposing who the true Democrats are.
• Ann Wagner at Human Services, from Jennifer Wilson.
• Ginny Whipple, Bartholomew County assessor, for her great attitude, friendliness, qualifications and ability to explain a specific project, from Heidi.
• Rick at Kroger’s, the 6 a.m. self-checkout.
• Eric at the east-side Walmart who went above and beyond and was so pleasant to assist a lady shopping for men’s jeans.
Onions to …
• the president for exposing the underbelly of the Republican Party which stands for nothing but greed and corruption.
• the Republicans for giving us this president.
• our new misguided representative who would follow this president off a cliff and take us all with them in the process.
• the city for wasting money on a riverfront project while refusing to fix the flooding issues on State Road 11 that cause people to be late for work or school each time we get more than .25 inches of rain.
• housing addition residents who refuse to clean up their property.
• Democrats.
• school corporation for not making the connection between teachers leaving and the implementation of UDL.
• school corporation leaders for complaining about how many jobs they’ve had to fill and still have open when they do nothing to keep teachers and staff they’ve had for many years.
• the school administration with more administrators and higher-paid administrators than similar-sized school districts that wants a referendum.
• the local official who takes no responsibility for his negligence.
• all those who claim the Iranian general was a terrorist, when a months ago few had ever heard of him.
• the president for making it crystal clear that he and the Republican party are a disaster for America.
• Democrats and their hypocrite actions.
• the school corporation claiming it can’t find teachers after offering retirement incentive offers twice in the past decade.
• the person who can’t seem to read that the reserved parking spaces are for people who have a need or are allowed to park in those spaces.
• pastors who don’t love you and never call you when you get sick.
• school corporation that didn’t have a two-hour delay because of the fog.
• school corporation for requesting a referendum from local taxpayers.
• upgrading river frontage when the city has flood, sewer, and drainage problems that should be addressed first.
• anyone who thinks that the president needed a so-called imminent threat before taking out a man who had been killing Americans for the last 20 years.
Happy Birthday to …
• Brett Kozlowski, from Kim, your co-worker and “friend” at Kroger.
• Ruthetta Imogene Rose, from Pastor Marvin Brown and Trinity Baptist Church.
• Sharon Snyder, aka Mom, Granny, Gma and Gigi, from Rhonda, Jack, Randy and family.
• Gigi, love Zoe Fleetwood.
• Denise Brown, from Marvin and Brenda Brown.
• Cindy Grider, from Abby, Hunter, Emma, Keaton, Lyla, Mavy, and family and friends.
Happy Birthday to …
• Martha Hitch, from all your children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and great-great-grandchildren and all the rest of your family and friends.
• ANOTHER beautiful morning