Looking Back – February 5

At St. Bartholomew School's Career Day in 1995, Daniel McIlroy donned the flight suit worn by Boeing 727 pilot Tom Andress when he flew F-4 and A-4 jets in the Marine Corps. From The Republic archives


Bartholomew County Prosecutor Bill Nash began offering a $100 bounty for information about parents who were behind on their child support payments.


On the 75th birthday of Henry Heimlich, Boy Scout Richard Nehring, 12, used the Heimlich maneuver he learned in Scouting to save the life of his friend, Clint Hoy, also 12, who was choking on a piece of food lodged in his throat.


As a result of a state highway study of State Road 46 west of Columbus, new lower speed limit signs were installed from Interstate 65 to Harrison Lakes Road.