This is why public health, funding are so important

Richard Feldman

So how does it feel to travel 100 or more years back in public health history?

The COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic takes us back. It transports us to a time when there were no available antibiotics, virtually no vaccinations and limited medical-care interventions compared to what exist today.

Since treatment of infectious diseases was very limited, public health measures and strategies to prevent and contain diseases were what we primarily relied on.

For now, this public health approach of a century ago is also all we can employ to contain the coronavirus, a virus without a specific antiviral medication to treat it or a vaccination to prevent it.

COVID-19 is a novel virus, is 10 to 20 times more lethal than influenza and is now on every continent except Antarctica. Compared with the MERS and SARS coronaviruses, this coronavirus will probably be much more difficult to control.

As of this writing, there is rapid national escalation in number of illnesses with more than 2,000 reported cases and 47 deaths, with underreporting likely.

Public health officials expect that we have not seen the worst of this pandemic and many more cases and deaths will follow. Although relatively few cases have been identified in America, it is anticipated that intensification will occur in the U.S. as person-to-person community transmission increases.

A long incubation period of up to 14 or more days, spread of infection from asymptomatic infected individuals and a high mortality rate make this virus especially worrisome.

However, remember that most infections are relatively mild and not life threatening.

Possible effective antiviral medications are being explored. A vaccine will take a year or more to develop. Therefore, the public health measures we will use in the meantime are: containment through quarantine of exposed people, isolation of infected individuals, border and travel restrictions, social distancing, venue closings, public education especially pertaining to personal measures to help prevent transmission, surveillance and diagnostic testing. Our approach will evolve as cases escalate.

This latest health threat should be a reminder of the value of supporting public health on the federal, state and local levels. The very success of public health — the absence of diseases that once routinely killed healthy people — has rendered public health interventions invisible and taken for granted by the public and government. These interventions involve advancements in sanitation, housing, food protection, nutrition, clean water, pure food and drug legislation, antibiotics and vaccination.

Historically, we have woefully underfunded federal, state and local health departments. The Trump administration recently reduced Centers for Disease Control and Prevention funding. Indiana ranks 49th in public health funding with the Indiana State Department of Health spread thin and most local health departments lacking adequate infrastructure and personnel.

The state does have sufficient resources for COVID-19 crisis planning and is preparing with local health departments, hospitals and other entities. But the capacity for health departments and hospitals to optimally respond to a public health crisis is something different.

Indiana and most states need significant federal assistance and leadership. The Trump administration has provided a delayed and less-than-acceptable federal response with President Trump busy politicizing what should be a bipartisan issue. We can only hope that Vice President Pence, not highly enlightened in public health matters but now in charge of the federal government’s coronavirus response, will leave the decision making to federal public health experts.

And what about those anti-vaccine advocates among us? Will they refuse a COVID-19 immunization when available? I wonder.

Dr. Richard Feldman is an Indianapolis family physician and the former Indiana State Health commissioner. Send comments to [email protected]