Letter: Andrews fits bill for judge, will continue to lead in county

From: Leslie Smith


Candidates should be respectful at this very difficult time of the COVID-19 virus. I so wish we could get away from politics of Democrats and Republicans and just go with who you are and what you stand for and believe. We should be thinking of honesty and integrity. Some people won’t think that faith is important but personally I do.

Dick and I had a young person who spent a lot of time in our home, during his grade school, junior high, and high school years. We sat on the bleachers with his parents watching him through all of his days of playing sports like baseball, basketball, and football. Both winning and losing. I’ll have to say the winning was a lot more fun.

What I am trying to say is that we watched him grow from a boy to an awesome son, brother, husband, father, mentor and friend. I am talking about Scott Andrews. He is like a third son to us and I am so proud of who he has become.

If any of you are standing in front of a judge someday, you are going to want someone with honesty and integrity.

I pray that you don’t ever find yourself in that situation, but if you do, you are going to want a Scott Andrews as your judge.

All I ask is that you check Scott’s resume, credentials and what he has done for your community. How he is currently working in our court system and with its employees. How he has volunteered his time to worthy causes in our community. How his background confirms he is smart and experienced in the law. How he has spent 20 years as an attorney and has committed his entire career to the legal profession.

If you haven’t looked into his background or his credentials, please take the time. Your loved one may be in court someday.

Editor’s note: This letter is paid political content