Letter: Rohde will be a judge for the people of the community

From: Bambi Shoemaker


The hardest thing I’ve ever had to deal with was the loss of my husband to cancer. The years of seeing the love of my life deteriorate were extremely difficult, but at least he was still available to talk with and hug.

Similarly, the life of Jon Rohde’s mother ended much too early after her cancer diagnosis, and it has been comforting to both of us to know that we share comparable emotions from these heartbreaking experiences.

Jon and his wife, Sarah, are dear friends of mine, and although there are many reasons that he will be a great judge, what really stands out to me is that he has the perspective of real people.

Jon has not lived his life behind a desk or learned about life’s problems from books. As an undercover narcotics detective, he gained a practical understanding of the real world and knows how drug addiction affects our community.

In addition, he is a well-rounded attorney who has practiced in various areas of the law in both federal and local courts.

Whether or not you have ever been in a courtroom, our criminal justice system affects you. We must realize that almost all of the people who go to jail will someday return to society. Throughout this judge race I’ve heard all the candidates talking about experience.

I agree that experience matters, and Jon’s comprehensive real-life experience has best prepared him to be a judge with the wisdom that each situation has different circumstances that require an individualized plan.

Jon understands that a judge must balance holding people accountable for bad actions with motivating the individual to become a productive citizen within our community.

Just like Jon and I share similar emotions from the passing of our loved ones, the interactions from his hands-on work will bring the perspective of real people to our courtroom.

Vote for Jon Rohde, a judge who will see things through your eyes.

Editor’s note: This letter is paid political content