Task force to manage and release COVID-19 data for BCSC

As the Bartholomew Consolidated School Corp. continues to monitor COVID-19 indicators in the community, data on those indicators will now be managed by the COVID-19 Community Task Force and posted on its website at covid19communitytaskforce.org.

In late July, BCSC began posting reports on COVID-19 indicators to its website twice weekly. These indicators are intended to help guide the school corporation on whether or not schools can continue to meet for in-person learning, which began Aug. 10.

Whether or not in-person learning continues at BCSC is dependent upon whether certain COVID-19 data indicates that the school system is in a “low,” “moderate” or “substantial” spread category. BCSC is currently in the moderate spread category — an overall designation of substantial spread would result in considering whether to move to eLearning.

On Friday, the school corp. announced that updates on these COVID-19 indicators would released by the COVID-19 Community Task Force from now on.

“For the past four weeks, BCSC has managed and posted these indicators on a regular basis in an effort to be transparent with our stakeholders and ensure accurate data as we make decisions regarding our school status,” the school corp. said in a statement. “However, the COVID-19 Community Task Force also understands the importance of these measures to the health and wellbeing of the entire community. Given that, the task force will now manage the data and post updated information regularly on its website.”

The subject of public communication arose when school corporation officials met with the task force Friday morning to discuss “the current state of our area and how we can continue to work together to safely keep schools and businesses open.”

BCSC said that in its statement that the task force considers the school corporation to be in the “moderate” spread category now.

“BCSC will continue to work with our local health officials, namely those from Columbus Regional Health and the Bartholomew County Health Department, to review the measures provided and make decisions on our school status,” the school corporation said in its statement.

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Updates on data indicators for BCSC will be posted at www.covid19communitytaskforce.org from now on. Past updates, as well as the school corporation’s statements and announcements, can be viewed at www.bcscschools.org.
