Orchids to …
• BCSC teachers who encourage and enforce social distancing and mask compliance.
• health care and service workers for wearing masks all day long to keep the rest of us safe, can we not do the same for them?
• Ben Jackson, for taking time to give us all play by play commentary on the hearings.
• Taylor Brothers Construction Co. Inc. of the Harmon Group for their involvement and support of the wonderful cookbook sales for the non-profit Joy of Giving organization.
• Mike Pence for being honest and respectable during the vice presidential debate.
• the early voting staff for getting voters in and out in a timely manner.
• the organizers of the recent suffrage parade in Columbus and rally in Hope for hosting uplifting celebrations of history.
• President Trump for showing this country wasn’t built on hiding in a basement and getting out and having a life because we all enjoy freedom.
• President Trump who opposes open borders because no borders means no country.
• the judicial candidate whose intelligence is far greater than the panel members questioning her combined.
• all the “Nasty Women” of Bartholomew County who are doing everything they can to restore civility to politics and protect our democracy from a national elected official who bullies people.
• Joe Biden for his civility, dedicated service to the country, and his inspiring messages for the American people.
• the Nasty Women of Bartholomew County, may we continue to enjoy our common bond and ignore those who try to bring us down.
Onions to …
• the person who stole the political sign from my lawn, a show of weakness in that you know the federal elected official and his running mate will lose.
• the two pandemics in our country, COVID-19 and racism.
• those born and raised in a life of luxury complaining about others taking a night off to protest the killing of black men for no reason in this country.
• a court nominee who believes in overruling the Second Amendment if you have ever been convicted of a felony.
• teachers who do not encourage or enforce social distancing or mask compliance.
• the rude police officer.
• people who think people in states like Washington, California, Oregon, New York and Illinois should decide the president when they can’t even run their own states.
• those that won’t wear a mask into a big box store for protection but open carry a gun into the store.
• the federal elected official who says coronavirus has largely been conquered but so far it’s largely conquered more than 210,000 Americans.
• parents who treat their children differently, all children should be treated the same.
• grown children who are married and expecting a child but live in two separate households living off old women, time to grow up.
• the locally elected officials for using a woman to promote an anti-woman agenda.
• a government that can’t keep itself safe and people who think the government can keep them safe.
• “Nasty Women,” from a proud Deplorable.
• the top state official for letting up too soon on the fight against the virus even as the state sees a rise in cases.
• the pathetic boat parade.
• the locally elected official who uses taxpayers’ time to push an anti-woman agenda.
• the Nasty Women group, because I will not be intimidated.
• taking 11 days to receive an absentee ballot mailed in Columbus when a birthday card, also mailed in Columbus, reached Florida in four days.
• the traffic signal at 17th Street and Hawcreek Avenue that needs a time adjustment for the very brief green light for 17th Street.
• people failing to realize the federal elected official has been packing the courts with unqualified people for the last four years.
• the letter writer who forgets that freedom of religion does not mean he has the right to impose his religious beliefs on others.
• people not realizing if you do away with the Electoral College, California and New York will decide elections — our founding fathers were a lot smarter than this generation.
• those who don’t know it probably isn’t a good idea to leave anything out on your front porch, especially in some areas of town.
• small-minded mean-spirited bullies threatened by outspoken, educated, enlightened women.
• the pathetic display by elected leaders questioning the judge nominee.
• the letter writer for evil rhetoric and demonizing fellow Christians.
• the letter writer who can’t recognize immorality when it has been right in front of him the past four years.
Happy Birthday to …
• Penny Stroup, from your family, Georgina and Donna.
• Laura Schwartzbaugh, from your family and Donner.
• Maci Bennett, from Mom and family.
Happy Anniversary to …
• Skyler and Jessica Morrow, from your friends and family.
• ANOTHER beautiful morning