Around Town – October 30

Orchids to …

• Stephanie and Taratha at the Bartholomew County Public Library for being great and prompt.

• Doug Otto for his great letter to the editor.

• the Columbus Indiana Philharmonic for their wonderful Downton Abbey performance and J. Kevin Buttler for his wonderful review of “a beautiful performance.”

• all who called, sent birthday cards, wishes, and gifts, or texted me, thank you, from John Tinkey.

• Allen and Harriett Dillman.

• state candidates supporting legalized marijuana in Indiana to stop the flow of tax revenue to Illinois and Michigan.

• the volunteer fire department who helped our son after his wreck last week, especially the gentleman who kept him calm until paramedics arrived.

• Doug Otto for mentioning a few of the faults of our current federally elected official.

• Columbus Rock Gym for a fun Halloween Party especially the costume contest, from Alyson, Ike, Sawyer, Kellen, Sophie and Zane.

• Doug Otto for speaking the truth in his letter.

• Hope Elementary faculty for all you do for the kids and standing in the pouring rain so they get into the school safe and secure.

• Catherine Greenlee at the county auditor’s office for your kindness and assistance with the mortgage deduction paperwork.

• Michael Steele, former Republican National Committee chairman, for endorsing Joe Biden.

• Joe Biden as our next president.

• President Trump for helping us have lower gas prices.

• President Trump, like the Founding Fathers, believing in divine providence and in the motto, “In God We Trust.”

• President Trump, who is bringing peace to the Middle East.

• Dana Bozell for her act of kindness, from the Perry’s.

Onions to …

• college instructors taking money but not teaching classes as they should.

• those who believe social workers or health care workers should be dealing with a knife- or gun-wielding disturbed person.

• those not objecting to the defendant’s upteenth continuance at a change of plea hearing, allowing him to play pool for a living and be represented by a public defender.

• the federal elected official who is everything my mother taught me not to be.

• defunding law enforcement because they won’t do anything to help people when they need it anyway.

• school leadership hiding COVID-19 cases or close contacts sent home — this is about public safety, not individual pride.

• the inventor of candy corn.

• people who want the government to dictate their lives and provide everything.

• people who can’t listen to experts and make their own decisions without government telling them what to do.

• those ignoring medical advice to wear masks and socially distance, yet will be the first to seek medical help when they get sick.

• the drivers who drive through the crossing guards and students, we have plenty of lights and yellow or orange clothing to be seen.

• the school system not counting the number of contact-traced students into the count of students not attending school due to COVID-19.

• not realizing the hundreds (not thousands) of stranded rally attendees won’t change their vote.

• people not realizing we had to be quiet for eight long years under the past administration, it’s your turn for four more years.

• bigots who proudly share the beliefs of the federal elected official, who is a white supremacist.

• plea deals giving two killers a slap on the wrist, where is the justice for the victims and their families?

• those who do not avoid persons not wearing a mask in public.

• the administration saying the federal elected official ended the COVID-19 pandemic as the U.S. reports a record number of new cases.

• the federal elected official trying to put fear in the hearts of people, allowing supporters to hold weapons on nonviolent protestors, and are under indictment for doing so.

• federal elected officials for not speaking out against the speech that derided the honor, virtue, and integrity of our military generals and admirals who have given their lives and service to our country.

• the federal elected official who said in February that the coronavirus is dangerous, deadly, airborne, and affects children, yet did not tell Americans.

• churches that think it is OK to dress up like a witch, celebrate Halloween, and serve Jesus.

• the federal elected official who is flying around at taxpayer expense for three rallies a day instead of running the country.

Happy Birthday to …

• Abhishek Satham, from your family co-workers and Donna.

• Vicente Bartolo, from your family and Donna.

• Jim White, from your family and Donna.

• Fayette Beecher, from Joseph Hart Chapter DAR.

• Julie Abbott, from Joseph Hart Chapter DAR.

ANOTHER beautiful morning