As the 2020-21 school year resumes, the Bartholomew Consolidated School Corp. is continuing continue to provide free school lunches to all students through the end of the year.
BCSC added that since secondary schools have moved for a hybrid schedule for the time being, students will have the opportunity to take home three days’ worth of meals (six meals total, counting both breakfast and lunch) once a week.
A student attending school Monday and Tuesday could take home Wednesday through Friday’s meals on Tuesday. A student attending school Thursday and Friday could take home Monday through Wednesday’s meals on Friday. Meals can be ordered using the itslearning format.
The school corporation has posted a video tutorial showing the process on Facebook.
“There will be no meal service at neighborhood sites if we have students in a hybrid or traditional setting,” the school corp. added.
In October, the United States Department of Agriculture extended waivers for its Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) and Seamless Summer Option (SSO) programs through June 30, allowing schools and other sites to continue providing free meals to all children.
According to a press release from the USDA, this extension was due to language in a continuing resolution signed into law by President Donald Trump.
The release stated that the extended waivers also allow meals to be served outside of group settings and meal times, “waive meal pattern requirements, as necessary” and allow parents to pick up meals for their children.