Around Town — Jan. 23

Orchids to…

Caleb and the staff at Dog World for your wonderful help and instructions on how to help make our rescue dog the best it can be, from grateful new dog owners.

Bartholomew County Library for the wonderful curbside service by the staff over the last few months, from grateful patrons.

all journalists choosing to ask the hard questions even if they are not liked by those in powerful positions.

all organizations and private companies who promote and allow freedom of speech.

the great article on Jon Schaffer.

Joe Biden for reversing all the crazy policies of his predecessor via executive order to benefit the country more quickly.

Dave Hoethe and Lori Phillips for your strong friendship, teamwork, creative sheetscapes and lighting continuing to inspire the neighborhood.

President Biden for tackling the big mess left behind on day one.

Christy Walker and Benet Linney for being the most stand-up couple I know, two of a kind, from Nicholas Linney.

Mitch McConnell for saying that the former federal elected official’s lies to his supporters led to the Capitol riots.

Ron Shadley for his great spot-on article.

Ron Shadley’s letter.

Dr. Lanham and staff for the excellent care given to my husband and allowing him to walk pain-free again.

the new president undoing all the wasted things the last president did.

being rid of the control of the corrupt party that was in power.

Ron Shadley for his letter, kyrie eleison, from Linda, Buddy, and Binxie.

Donald Trump for the pride he brought back to our country.

Kara Vanest for being such a good newspaper delivery person, from Marian.

Ron Shadley for his letter, from a fellow senior who agrees completely.

Ron Shadley for the real world opinion.

Anna Krueger for making the Dean’s Lst for her all three semesters at Ball State, from your proud family.

the American people for electing our new president.

Onions to…

the pharmacy dropping the ball on vaccinating older people at a local retirement community.

the state for not including all registered nurses in eligibility for vaccine.

the restaurant with unwrapped plasticware dumped in baskets during a raging pandemic.

improper use of county roads by semi drivers south of the city.

administrator having educators collect information for her second job.

the ex-second in charge who needs to remove his rose-colored glasses and face reality.

churches thinking they don’t need masks.

the school corporation not enforcing all their drivers wearing a mask while students are on board.

the previous administration not going all out in the fight against the virus.

teachers requiring students to watch 10 minutes of cable news coverage each day when that station is censoring other news channels.

the new federal elected official who couldn’t win her state in the presidential primary.

those that don’t realize the reality show has moved out of the White House and relocated to Florida.

private companies censoring American voices, even if their voiced comments are not incendiary or illegal.

those pursuing impeaching a president no longer in office.

the new administration who dishonors our military by quartering them in a parking garage.

the federal elected official who insulted Canada and killed 10,000 jobs on his first day in office by killing the pipeline.

the guy on the corner in Petersville who has disgraced the American flag by flying it upside down.

the folks who are delusional that the former president will ever be regarded as anything but the worst president in our history.

the political party for vetting the military out of fear of a coup.

the previous federal elected official who let you down, and all of America down.

those who no longer read their Bible but use the conspiracy theories of social media platforms as their god.

those who think they can overturn the U.S. Constitution; they will never win.

the former federal elected official who is the leader since Herbert Hoover to have lost jobs in his four year term.

the traffic light that does not have a left turn signal.

our new administration for all the jobs they’ve already cost by stopping the pipeline.

local drivers who refuse to turn on their lights at dusk and dawn.

Happy Birthday to…

Lawrence A. Fowler, from John Tinkey and all your Bartholomew County friends.

Lewis Childress, from Pastor Marvin Brown and Trinity Baptist Church.

ANOTHER beautiful morning