First cohort of K-12 CSA students graduate this year

CSA Lincoln class of 2021 graduates Corbin Thayer, back row from left, Brock Burbrink, Rebecca Moore and Anarayn Hernandez, front row from left, Emma Edwards, Shay Golden and Bradly Hobson pose for a photo in front of Columbus Signature Academy Lincoln in Columbus, Ind., Wednesday, May 19, 2021. All seven students have been in the Columbus Signature Academy (CSA) program for their entire school careers. Mike Wolanin | The Republic

Columbus Signature Academy New Tech’s 2021 graduation also marks the first group of students to make it through the CSA pathway from kindergarten to 12th grade in Bartholomew Consolidated School Corp.

Both of East’s co-valedictorians, Brock Burbrink and Emma Edwards, are part of this cohort.

Universal Design for Learning Facilitator Laura Burbrink said that there are seven graduates in the cohort out of an initial CSA Lincoln kindergarten class of 22 students. Of that number, some students have moved away over time.

“Out of the 91 graduating seniors, 49 (54%) began their journey in PBL (project-based learning) in BCSC elementary schools,” she said. “Since we had such a small beginning kindergarten class and the district added Fodrea, the pool of opportunities for elementary students increased over time.”

BCSC’s CSA pathway was launched in 2008 and was the nation’s first pre-K to grade 12 project-based learning program.

While New Tech high schools were already opening across the country at that time, BCSC was the first to extend the concept to elementary and middle school grades.

When the New Tech model was discussed with BCSC school cabinet members, Principal Mike Reed said Karen Garrity, the director of elementary curriculum at the time, asked a game changing question:  “Why would we wait until ninth grade to start that?”

“When we approached New Tech, they were not interested or prepared to support an elementary or middle school model,” Reed said. “They were only a high school model. And so we forged forward and actually became the first K-12 model.”

However, the unique learning model is only one part of what makes the high school and CSA pathway special for faculty and students.

The “family atmosphere” has been a significant part of the CSA experience, Edwards said. While she’s looking forward to her “next adventure,” it’s hard to leave that family behind, she said.

“It’s emotional, I definitely feel prepared for the next steps, so I wouldn’t say I’m nervous. But I’m sad to see the people that I’ve been with for 13 years aren’t going to be down the hallway from me anymore. We’re all going to different places next year,” she said.

The 2021 class “is going to be incredibly hard to say goodbye to,” but also reflected that it’s affirming to see their success, Reed said.

“It’s incredibly rewarding … to look at the students who started at the very beginning to where they are as seniors, you look at those young people and say, ‘That’s what we dreamed of. That’s what we wanted our graduates to look like,’ ” he said.