Letter: Regulating guns, wearing masks doesn’t infringe on rights

Businesswoman hand working with new modern computer and writing

From: Doug Otto


I want to address two issues that 30 million Americans believe are violations of their rights.

My first example is based on common beliefs when the Constitution was ratified that changed with more knowledge and/or changing times.

— Only white men who own property have the right to vote.

— White men have a right to own slaves.

— Men are smarter than women.

— Duels are an acceptable way to settle disagreements.

I’m sure there are some who still hold those beliefs, but most of us have moved on.

Here is one that is just as wrong. The contention that Americans can own any number of any type of guns.

The Second Amendment says “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

That implies that the purpose of this right is to maintain the security of a free state.

It does not say guns can be used to threaten political demonstrators or to carry when attacking the U.S. Capitol Building.

It does not say anything about high-powered automatic weapons that can kill dozens of people in a minute. Such weapons did not exist when this amendment was ratified in 1791. Then there was nothing that could be used to kill 20 children at a public school in Connecticut; or kill 58 and injure almost 700 concertgoers in Las Vegas; or kill 25 people and an unborn child attending a church service in Texas; or murder 17 students at a Florida high school.

When are gun lovers going to stop their ridiculous rhetoric about “guns don’t kill; people do”? Fact is people with guns kill.

When are they going to wake up and realize they don’t need to own assault weapons, and that background checks don’t infringe on their rights? When will they realize that the 21st century is different from the 18th and we need to re-examine our interpretations?

When will they say enough?

My second issue deals with the belief that the requirement to wear a mask somehow violates their rights as an American. Do the following laws violate anyone’s rights?

— Every state has laws requiring children to be vaccinated against certain diseases, such as measles and mumps, to attend school.

— All states have laws that children of a certain age must attend school or be homeschooled.

— Speed limits, seat belts, driving on the right side of the road.

I assume that most people adhere to some of these laws every day. How is the sensible regulation of masks and automatic weapons any different?

If a person doesn’t believe they will get the virus, wear masks in consideration of others.

Is an assault weapon necessary to hunt deer? What if people who think COVID precautions are not necessary, or that they should be allowed to own assault weapons, or that background checks won’t reduce the number of murders are wrong?

I’m old. I shouldn’t have to die, and my grandchildren shouldn’t have to die because misguided citizens insist on a faulty interpretation of their rights.