Changes in water shutdowns as part of the Taylor Road project will come with a $78,000 tab.
The Columbus Board of Works has approved a change order for that amount for the project.
City Engineer Dave Hayward explained that, as part of the work, the contractor is relocating water mains for city utilities. However, for one particular location, shutting down the water for a single customer would mean shutting down water for about 20 others, including local fire departments and a portion of the shopping center at 25th Street and Taylor.
“That was not found to be acceptable, so we have a change order for installing some line stops to break that up into smaller groups so we don’t have a whole area shut down,” Hayward said. “Unfortunately, that comes with a cost of $78,000, which will be paid by Columbus City Utilities.”
The water mains are within the south section of Taylor Road, and the relocation is a necessary part of the project. However, a lack of valves “makes it more difficult to shut down small segments of the system.” The approved change order will enable shutdowns of a few customers at a time and lessen the impact, he said.
The Taylor Road project began in spring of 2020. The phase now underway is 25th to 31st Street; the section from 31st to Rocky Ford Road is mostly finished.
According to the city website, the project’s improvements will make the road “significantly safer” for drivers, bikers and pedestrians. These improvements include:
- 11-foot roadway lane, one lane in each direction
- A side path on the west side
- A sidewalk on the east side
- New curb and gutter, pavement markings and signage
- Mini roundabouts at multiple intersections
Hayward estimated that the project will be complete in October or early November of this year.