Astrograph: Sunday horoscopes – July 11


July 11

Take your time when assessing situations. Preparation will help you take advantage of a big opportunity. Knowing what you want will help you prepare for what’s to come. Exploring new possibilities will help you exploit what you have to offer and complement what’s trending this year.

CANCER (June 21- July 22) — Someone will take an action out of context. Tone it down before someone puts the spotlight on you. Concentrate on what you can achieve, and do the work necessary before you show off.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) — Stop worrying about what others do; focus on what’s important to you. An idea you come up with will save you money and make you look like a genius. A passionate approach will lead to success.

VIRGO (Aug. 23- Sept. 22) — Be secretive about any changes you want to make until you have everything in place. Showing that you know what you are doing will help get others on board with your plans.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) — Put some muscle behind whatever you are trying to accomplish. Aiming to get in tiptop shape will make you feel good about yourself and fetch compliments from others.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24- Nov. 22) — Handle others with care. Your actions can be just as disruptive as your words if you aren’t sensitive to how others feel or what they want. To avoid opposition, steer clear of people who don’t share your beliefs.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) — Take charge and finish what you start. If you let others intervene, you will end up questioning what you are trying to accomplish. Discipline and hard work will be necessary.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — Plan your actions strategically, and refuse to let anyone hold you back. Rely on your insight and experience to help you do what’s best for you. A change at home will be for the better.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20- Feb. 19) — Give others the freedom to do as they please. Go about your business. Personal improvements will bring you far more satisfaction than trying to change someone.

PISCES (Feb. 20- March 20) — Take a step back and rethink your future. Consider how you earn your living and the changes you want to make to improve your status or living arrangements.

ARIES (March 21- April 19) — Get involved in physical activity and plan to do something with a loved one. Expressing your thoughts and intentions will encourage progress. Put a secret plan in motion. Romance is favored.

TAURUS (April 20- May 20) — Be respectful of others. Don’t criticize someone who is trying their best. Concentrate on taking care of your responsibilities and encouraging others along the way.

GEMINI (May 21- June 20) — Take note of what a friend, relative or loved one is doing. Compliments will help you win favors and encourage others to be and do their best. A family get-together will make up for lost time.