Local man arrested on multiple charges after road rage incident


COLUMBUS, Ind. — A local man was arrested Friday morning on several charges after a road rage incident near Columbus East High School.

At approximately 8:15 a.m., several area law enforcement officers were outside of Columbus East High School assisting C4 high school students with a class project when they observed a Chevy Corvette being driven recklessly in the area, said Lt. Matt Harris, Columbus Police Department spokesman.

Officers reported seeing the driver of the Corvette, who was later identified as Jonathan S. Maina, 25, of Columbus, braking his vehicle multiple times causing the vehicle behind him to brake to avoid a collision, Harris said.
When both vehicles stopped on Indiana Avenue, officers reported that Maina exited his car and threw a milkshake at the other vehicle and then punched the windshield causing damage to the glass, Harris said. The officers approached Maina and placed him under arrest.

He received medical treatment at the scene for his injured hand and was transported to the
Bartholomew County Jail where he was remanded on the following preliminary charges:
–Criminal Mischief
–Reckless Driving

For the complete story, see Tuesday’s Republic.