HOPE – Hope will honor veterans on Veterans Day with a program at 8 a.m. Thursday in the Hauser Jr.-Sr. High School gymnasium.
The annual program is always organized by advanced government students who are being assisted this year by teacher Bob Nobbe, said A.C. Reeves of American Legion Post #229 in Hope.
Hauser students have frequently been in charge of commemorative programs, and student-led prayer often takes place.
Chairs will be set apart on the gym floor to allow social distancing of veterans and the public, who are invited to attend, Reeves said.
Normally, high school students watch the veteran’s program from the bleachers, while the Hope Elementary students sit on the gym floor.
However, school officials said most students will watch a livestream of the observance from their classrooms, due to concerns regarding the COVID-19 virus.
One of the highlights of this year’s observance will be an audio/visual display of historical items and documents from the Flatrock-Hawcreek area, Reeves said. The entire student-led program is expected to last about an hour, he said.
American Legion Post #229 in Hope will be posting colors for the event, Reeves said.
For the complete story, see Wednesday’s Republic.