Letter: Doggone it, Love Where You Live

    Tracy Souza holds a dog at an adoption event that was funded in part through donations to Heritage Fund, The Community Foundation of Bartholomew County.

    Submitted photo

    Has something really touched your heart recently?

    In early December, I was among a handful of people gathered in the dark and cold, awaiting vans delivering 77 dogs to their foster families. Volunteers, dressed in sweatshirts and wellies, were passing out food, crates, medicine and dog collars with militaristic precision. It was remarkable what these individuals were able to make happen because they cared about these dogs and worked together to find them homes and families.

    I left with tears in my eyes and a puppy in my lap. It touched my heart.

    The past few years have caused us to create barriers, physical and emotional. Political divisions that spill over into everything — viruses, vaccines, an upswing in violence and just a general lack of civility make it easier to retreat and barricade the doors.

    But we can be better, like these volunteers who broke barriers, found common ground and together saved a number of dogs in need of homes. We can choose to address issues and find a way to work with others to create something better. It is what can happen in a community that decides to pull together to make good things possible.

    Heritage Fund fosters wonderful acts of human kindness such as donations that pour in for scholarships to honor someone who has passed away too soon or thoughtful donors inquiring about the greatest problems in the community and how they can help. Moments like these also touch my heart and remind me of how very good people can be.

    The “Love Where You Live” Campaign is an opportunity to ensure resources so that people working together can make wonderful things happen in Bartholomew County. Please visit us at heritagefundbc.org to find out more.

    I hope that in this season of peace and goodwill, you find something that touches your heart.

    Tracy Souza is president and CEO of the Heritage Fund, The Community Foundation of Bartholomew County. Send comments to [email protected].