Around Town — Jan. 1

Editor’s Note: Submissions to Around Town are opinions submitted anonymously by readers, not factual representations, and do not reflect the viewpoints of The Republic or its staff.

Orchids to

a Happy New Year!

Brian Jasper’s letter.

the CRH ambulance, paramedics and ER or saving my life when I collapsed at home from septic shock. Without their quick thinking and skill my life would have ended. God bless them all.

Ronald Wilkinson and Richard Gold for their letters.

Mr. Gold for his letter.

Onions to

failing to realize the stop sign is 100% effective, I have yet to see one not read “Stop.”

claiming to be all about freedom but wanting to put surveillance cameras in classrooms and offer bounties to ensure only certain views are taught.

Anti-maskers and anti-vaxers whose selfishness and ignorance will be the death of innocent people unable to get treatment due to overwhelming COVID cases.

the entity that instead of pleading for help from the community should have prepared better over the past two years.

not realizing those Marr Road metal plates are temporary covering holes, preventing damage to your car.

To the man outside a bar near a family establishment for making a terrible comment about my daughter as she was going inside to shop, if you can’t drink and be kind, then stay home.

inability to connect with county officials easily through email or other methods, a true disregard for citizens during a time of expected government transparency and responsiveness.

not understanding masks and vaccines are not 100 percent effective, kindly stop the hateful rhetoric and live your life.

Happy Birthday to

Mom, a.k.a. Jane Paetzel, on No. 81, love Scott and Robbi!