Letter: Making the pandemic political ignores government overreach

From: Shirley Holmes


While to an extent I agree with Terry Marbach’s letter (“In war on COVID, Republican legislators have surrendered,” Dec. 24), I have a differing opinion about making the pandemic political. That is, blaming all “Republican” legislators when arguing the unvaccinated issue.

These same legislators could be fully vaccinated themselves, while promoting “freedom to choose” rights of the unvaccinated. I don’t identify with either party per se. What I do identify with is protecting our constitutional rights as American citizens.

How can our government mandate only a certain segment of Americans — working-class citizens at that — to be vaccinated or risk losing their livelihood, while the rest of the population is running around freely, unvaccinated without mandates stifling them? This is government overreach. (By the way, I am a fully vaccinated retired health care worker.)

Mentioning World War II, America came together to fight a common enemy, and was not dealing with a worldwide pandemic at the same time. My last point is the WWII era could trust honest, unbiased news reporting. Currently, I’m constantly reading fake news, such as repeatedly blaming a former president for this administration’s miserable 2021 failures!