Letter: We can and should do more to support, defend Ukraine

From: Carolyn Gillihan

North Vernon

Thank you for your editorial opinion supporting Gov. Eric Holcomb’s executive order urging Indiana businesses and investors to withdraw from any and all support of Russian commerce (“State effort to sanction Russia must go further,” March 4.) As the leading democracy in the world, we owe it to Ukraine to do all we can to support their literal survival not only as a nation, but their lives. It was enormously gratifying to see the US along with European nations making the strongest sanctions against Russia.

But I’m not convinced we are doing all we can. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has passionately appealed to NATO, to the US and to the United Nations to please come to their aid, as already too many lives have been destroyed, and many more will follow. Why can we not, along with other NATO nations, provide air cover for them, and no-fly zones? Why can we not demand that President Joe Biden reverse the orders to shut down the US energy sources that were supplying our nation with oil? It seems unconscionable that we continue to purchase oil from Russia! By being energy independent, we could also provide for the European nations that have been supplied by Russia.

This scenario demonstrates clearly how some of our international interdependence, especially with communist and socialist countries, can seriously compromise our values, our economy and our own existence.