Council approves reduced water rates

Columbus City Utilities customers will see slightly lower water bills starting in July, due to new state legislation.

Columbus City Council has passed the first reading of an ordinance amending municipal code to reflect changes in water rates and services. Ordinances require two readings to be fully approved.

Additionally, the Utility Service Board will consider a resolution to modify the rates at their 11:30 a.m. meeting today, said utilities officials.

According to the ordinance, the changes are due to the passage of House Enrolled Action 1002. The law, among other things, eliminates the utility receipts tax previously enacted under Indiana Code. As a result, utilities are required to file rate adjustments that reflect the change.

“It’s a legislative action, and it will do nothing but benefit the user base in Columbus,” said Columbus City Utilities Director Roger Kelso. “It’ll reduce the rates by about 4 cents per 1,000 gallons.”

He estimated that most households use about 4,000 to 5,000 gallons per month, so most homeowners will see a reduction of about 20 cents to their bill.

City council voted to amend the ordinance as part of its approval. Utilities board attorney Stan Gamso explained that city officials had to make some changes to a previous draft of the legislation and were asking the council to consider the updated version.

The changes included deleting certain sections, such as wholesale rates and system development rates. In the earlier document, prices in both areas remained the same after the elimination of the tax. Officials also added in a statement that the changes are effective on July 1 or upon approval by the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission; whichever comes first.