North Vernon police work 3 overdoses resulting in one fatality

NORTH VERNON — North Vernon police responded to three overdose cases in three days, including one fatality, the department said.

The first two overdoses occurred at about 11:48 a.m. Sunday in the 100 block of West O&M Avenue. Two persons were reported to have been unconscious in the kitchen area of a home.

When officers arrived they administered naloxone to both persons prior to paramedics arriving, police said. One person was revived. Paramedics began advanced life saving procedures on the second person and transported the person to the hospital, where the person was pronounced deceased. The person’s name was not immediately released.

The third overdose occurred at about 11:18 a.m. Tuesday, when officers responded to a 911 call reporting a person not breathing in a bedroom of a residence in the 200 Hayden Pike. Officers arrived and assist paramedics. Naloxone was administered to the person and they were transported to the hospital where their condition improved.

Police said the investigation revealed drug use was involved in both calls and at least one person believed the substance was methamphetamine, not an opiate-based drug.