Letter: Together, we can help stop horror of school shootings

From: Karen Sweeney


The senseless taking of 21 beautiful souls should never have happened and it constantly haunts me. I feel helpless. I’ve asked myself, what can I do? But I’m asking the wrong person. Who I really should be speaking to is we the people. I’m speaking, pleading really, to come together, because I believe together we can make schools safer.

Gun laws can be changed if Congress really wanted to make those necessary changes. If we can send billions of dollars in military equipment to help other countries fight their battles, why can’t we spend a fraction of that to make our schools bulletproof?

We don’t need our babies to learn self-defense in elementary school. Nor do we need our teachers to use their bodies as shields. We need to use resources and technology available that locks doors and can cover windows in seconds and bulletproof safe rooms.

Perhaps our veterans would consider being a part of helping with protecting our schools. I can imagine plenty would dutifully want to protect our children.

This is not just a governmental problem, mental health problem, NRA problem or a legislation problem. This is also our problem as a society. It is our responsibility to be raising beautiful, smart children into moral adults. Our moral compass is broken. Maybe we should do less TikTok videos and more family time. We need to listen to our children, watch them for mood changes and ask them if they are OK. Let them know bullying is not acceptable and you will not tolerate it. Fight for your children’s innocence and happiness.

What is it going to take? Let’s talk! Let’s brainstorm! Our children should never fear going to school and being shot by a “bad man”. The disturbed young man who took away 21 lives did not just take those lives. He scarred other young lives forever. He tore hearts and souls out of parents who will grieve endlessly and never be the same.

I don’t have to remind you that this is not an isolated atrocity. This is happening everywhere in America. The question is not so much why did this happen, but where will it happen next. This is not just a problem for parents, this is a problem for our entire country. Let’s find solutions as a village and protect our children. If we don’t correct this now, the next generation may not have a future. Our goal should be to ensure no more blood shall ever be spilled. School shootings will be in the past.

The bottom line is, no one is going to fix this problem by themselves. We need to unite on this front and together, we just might be able to save some lives. Let’s be the country I know we can be, united and determined to not let all who have lost their lives, to have lost their lives in vain. It’s time to make real changes, so let us be the change.