Editor’s Note: Submissions to Around Town are opinions submitted anonymously by readers, not factual representations, and do not reflect the viewpoints of The Republic or its staff.
Orchids to
Chris Ricketts at Hoosier Power for installing the generator which gives me peace of mind and comfort at times of no power.
Holding rental developers to their property taxes.
Randy and Diane at Lincoln Central Neighborhood Family Center from Shawn, Alenea, and Tyler.
Candidate Cinde Wirth who agrees with the gun safety legislation being put forth and passed by Congress
Cinde Wirth for her position on common sense gun laws, it’s what the people want.
City Councilman Frank Miller for sharing details of growing government with the idea of moving to a Class 2 city status.
Karen Sweeney for her letter Friday. Exactly correct!
the Jan. 6 committee for exposing the worst corruption in 246 years at the highest level.
outstanding rehab team at Four Seasons, specifically Shawna, Marika and Jonathan.
Cheryl Sampson at the Westhill JCB for her patient and friendly help on Thursday.
Greg Pence for voting against gun legislation bills which contain provisions not favorable to most gun owners.
the police and Mike Pence who held the line and saved our democracy.
Rebecca, at First Financial Bank at Hope, for exceptional service, from an appreciative customer.
Onions to
the administration not lowering gas prices for the poor people who are barely surviving.
our failure of a congressman.
Taylor Road, either fix it or finish it, should have been done by now.
the person who drove a pick up truck and trailer through the easement leaving large ruts for neighbors to have to mow over.
the coming flood of illegal immigrants that are going to be shipped throughout our state and country for us to support.
law enforcement and prosecutors for zero arrest and prosecution in overdose deaths.
church now soliciting recently deceased members and families to attend an estate planning seminar in the same week!
forgetting sky marshals didn’t prevent four plane hijackings on 9/11.
people who feel entitled to walk into the yards of others without asking to get a better look at landscape features.
the far right congressman who has chosen the gun industry over the safety of Americans and their children and needs to be voted out in November.
the representative for voting down common sense gun laws to protect children, again he votes against what is right and good for this state and country.
not realizing we need plain clothes “sky marshals” in every school because you can’t bring an eraser to a gun fight.
the bad idea of moving the city to a 2nd class status and all the extra costs, with no benefit.
the constant banter about guns as I would love to hear how criminals are to be disarmed, not law abiding citizens.
our self-centered representative who once again voted against the wishes of his constituents, and any form of gun control.
our elected officials for once again voting party instead of what the people want, we want common sense gun regulations, vote for it.
lifeguards and swim instructors wearing swim suits that are anything but modest, there are children around.
the medical facility for suspending discounts for early payment at a time when high prices are hurting everyone.
the administration for trying to crack down on law-abiding gun owners when they should be cracking down on criminals.
the administration pushing the new Green Deal on electric vehicles while warning the power grid won’t handle them, where will that leave us stuck?
the political party continuing to love abortion more than children’s lives.
the blue states complaining about inflation and gas prices when their Electoral College put the present administration in office.
Happy Birthday to
Christina Greathouse from all of your family and friends.
Bill Malone, from Linda.