Letter: Voters should not overlook values of integrity in office

From: Herman Fields


I am writing in regards to the upcoming election and what I think is forgotten subject. As an old man now, I look back and wonder why we no longer require from our politicians the same integrity our parents taught us.

Could you imagine just 20 years ago overlooking politicians involved in the scandals we see today? Well, that’s what has happened in the last few elections.

Why in the world would we reelect someone who went to support fake voting audits in Arizona? Why in the world would we reelect someone who quotes Nazi propaganda? Why in the world would we reelect a congressman who supported the attempted takeover of a free and fair election?

Let’s get back to what we were taught years ago, that integrity is the most important issue. Everything else will be fine if we vote for people who possess this quality.

Editor’s note: This letter is paid political content. It is not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.