Letter: Learning with age to keep boredom out of your life

From: Ralph Jewell


I am currently 92 years old.

As I go through the aging process, I note some characteristics. Boredom is one. As we age, relatives and friends pay us less attention because they know we may not be available much longer. They wonder if we may not already be unavailable and they don’t want to get bad news. Lack of contact with others helps cause boredom.

Also we are bored because we lose interest in life. We know life may not last much longer, and so we lose interest in living. We should enjoy life and all the beauty of nature, the works of art our fellow man has created, the animals and pets we have and, if we don’t have a pet, the animals we can see on television. There are other ways we read about, such as reading a book and learning a new skill.

An expert on aging says the first person on earth to live to 150 has already been born. Let us all see if we can live to make that dream come true.