Around Town – Dec. 2

Editor’s Note: Submissions to Around Town are opinions submitted anonymously by readers, not factual representations, and do not reflect the viewpoints of The Republic or its staff.

Dec. 2

Orchids to

the city of Columbus and Sprague Development for moving forward with the much-needed hotel conference center.

Braiden at Pet Supply for helping me find the products I needed for my older dachshund, Daisy, from a satisfied customer.

all the outdoor Christmas lights and decorations.

Viewpoint and staff for finding and ordering books for my grandson abroad.

Rachel and Millie, my neighbors, who helped me when I fell, you both are a blessing, from Diane.

the plumber, Mr. Fitzsimmons, who fixed my water heater on Wednesday morning, for being kind and doing a great job.

Onions to

the senator who voted against the Marriage Equality Act and then announced his candidacy for governor.

the columnist who believes that “our southern border crisis” and “the manner in which our Department of Justice is run” doesn’t connect with the lives of average Americans.

people thinking it’s OK to drive 70 or 80 mph down Marr Road.

politicians and corporate CEOs who refuse to strongly condemn dictators who oppress their people.

the three automobiles that crowded through the red light at 10th and McClure.

those who loved partisan political investigations for six years but since the election, have changed their tune.

Happy Birthday to

Brian Schaefer, from your family and Donna.