Around Town – Feb. 9

Editor’s Note: Submissions to Around Town are opinions submitted anonymously by readers, not factual representations, and do not reflect the viewpoints of The Republic or its staff.

Feb. 9

Orchids to

those responsible for the lights still being up on the trees downtown, they are beautiful!

the Biden administration for jamming signals on the Chinese balloon and not endangering American citizens by shooting it down safely over the ocean.

Lee Hamilton for his excellent column about doing away with the debt ceiling.

Eunice Trotter for her great column on preserving history, hopefully many will respond to her appeal.

Loraina at Wendy’s for making the best coffee in Columbus, from a customer.

President Biden for signing 300 bipartisan bills over the last year.

President Biden doing everything he can to encourage small businesses to create jobs because they are the engine of our economy.

the city for leaving the downtown Christmas lights up providing a bright spot for the dreary winter.

Petersville United Methodist Church for the bagels and the Valentine’s Day treats, from Clifty Creek Elementary School.

Petersville United Methodist Church for always being so willing to help out with any student needs.

Onions to

those who criticized the current federal leader’s handling of the Chinese balloon situation are just “full of hot air,” and would say anything just to keep their political party prominent.

the former leader whose administration allowed Chinese balloons to pass over U.S. airspace unchallenged.

the mail carrier that’s not picking up mail on Ninth Street.

the political party that is pushing tax cuts for billionaires and multi-national corporations that allow them to pay zero in income taxes.

the former leader who allowed a Chinese balloon to fly over Florida in 2019 and never shot it down.

Happy Birthday to

Aira Lynn on No. 7, with love from your Papaw.

Bob Deppe, from Teresa, Ryan, Kim, Mackenzie, Hannah, Eric, Tara, Christopher and Catherine.

Sheryl Henry, from your family.