Letter: Sheriffs association supports mental health legislation

From: Steve Luce, executive director, Indiana Sheriffs’ Association


The Indiana Sheriffs’ Association is strongly supporting Faith in Indiana’s efforts in making sure our legislators fund mental health in our communities. For years, the jails have been the dumping ground for those in need of mental health services. It is time to fund mental health properly in our communities for those in need to have access to treatment.

Never before have I witnessed a stronger coalition between faith-based organizations, state legislators and law enforcement, just to mention a few. It is so important that we continue the momentum that has been built and continue to address the issues that will make Indiana’s communities strong and healthy.

The ISA is strongly supporting the following Bills: Senate Bill 1, House Bill 1006 and House Bill 1189. All of these bills cover many of the moving pieces of mental health that are needed for those dealing with a crisis related to mental health. The bills will also address those in the criminal justice system.

Having a fully funded crisis hotline will save lives and implementing locations for diversion and deflection will allow individuals access to treatment and not use the jails as the last resort. The jail infrastructure simply cannot handle those who have a severe mental health issue.

In closing, the ISA is focused on building communities of trust and applauds those in attendance at The Rally for Care at the Statehouse on Feb. 11.