Letter: Applause for editorial against bid to ban books

From: Marilyn Hayes


Bravo to The Republic for their editorial about Eric Grow’s campaign to, let’s just say it, ban books (“Book-banning list latest sad chapter in a sorry saga,” Feb. 19).

In addition to bringing a smile to my face because it was so on-point and well written, it minced no words as to the danger that censorship does to our citizenry and country.

As the editorial notes, who appointed Mr. Grow and his ilk to decide just whom to read and whom to cast aside?

Additionally, just as an absurd aside to Grow’s argument that it is inappropriate for the library to contain his list of 400 or so books because of their deleterious effect on our children, what is his plan to ban the phone in most children’s hands that allow instant access to pornographic and violent content?

I thought the famous lawyer, Clarence Darrow, thrust an arrow into the hearts of the pro-censorship folks at the Scopes trial in the state of Tennessee in 1925. Alas, it seems the “I know better than you” crowd never quits trying to force their opinions on the rest of us.

Kudos to The Republic for pointing this out!