Around Town – Feb. 27

Editor’s Note: Submissions to Around Town are opinions submitted anonymously by readers, not factual representations, and do not reflect the viewpoints of The Republic or its staff.

Feb. 27

Orchids to

the United Way and its Racial Wealth Gap Simulation for revealing the oft-denied realities of systemic racism faced by Black Americans, and The Republic for its excellent coverage and editorial on this event.

Tom Conway for his column about Social Security being a contract with workers, it’s not a freebie, we worked long and hard for it.

SBC for following the Bible and keeping pastors as male only.

the person who donated the very nice train set to Goodwill and to Goodwill for putting all the pieces together in one box. My grandson adores it!

Elizabeth at Walgreens on Beam Road, you are awesome!

Allie Jean for an outstanding, entertaining program at Mill Race.

Diane Doup for always taking care of everyone, especially us, from Mary Jane Perry.

Mike at Bishop’s Appliances for great customer service, from the lady with the bad compressor.

Happy Birthday to

Darrell Day, from friends at Bethel Baptist Church.

Lily Kuhlman, from Pat, Mike and family.