Around Town – April 26

Editor’s Note: Submissions to Around Town are opinions submitted anonymously by readers, not factual representations, and do not reflect the viewpoints of The Republic or its staff.

April 26

Orchids to

Sara Gillespie, bee keeper, for sharing her hobby, expertise, and delicious honey with the Little Seeds Preschool.

the sweet lady in the gray truck at McDonalds for paying for my breakfast. You made my day! I will pay it forward!

the organization supporting kids with tools to learn by donating pencils to schools.

Stephen at Verizon for helping me transfer from a landline to Verizon.

Jason, Brianna, and Linda of Hilton Gardens in Edinburgh for a great weekend, from Kappa Kappa Sigma Sorority.

Eli Hege for a great job of auctioneering, from Kappa Kappa Sigma Sorority.

Kayla at the BMV of Columbus for making everything pleasant and quick to get your driver’s license, from Laura.

President Biden who represents the norms of this country in terms of uniting people and appealing to our better angels.

Onions to

stereotyping individuals by appearances to the point of being uncomfortable or scared without cause.

officials more concerned about “appearances — river front and tourist attractions” than increasing crime and drug addiction, deteriorating neighborhoods, declining test scores and low graduation rates and homelessness.

school board member wanting to eat lunch at school to know his child’s friends—invite them over for a play date.

people that never ask the important question, what if “the Columbus way” isn’t the right way for the majority of citizens?

the school board member who came unprepared for the meeting, scrolled through emails while speakers were at the podium, then complained that his full time job kept him from reviewing the prepared materials.

the four employees getting paid to laugh and talk the entire time I get to scan and bag my wildly overpriced groceries.

officials who do not view the needs of a small town as financially feasible.

Happy Birthday to

Marjorie Peach.

Jillian Reece Turner, love your family.

Happy Belated Birthday to

Larry West, from Evelyn and your family.

Happy Anniversary to

Doug and Diane, from all your family.

Don and Carol Pope, from your friends and family.