Letter: Property tax bill shocker: Big jump, plus mistakes

From: Lori Moses


I just received my 2023 pay 2024 tax assessment this week. I have to say I was shocked to see a 38% increase in my home’s assessed value on top of the 10% increase last year. I started looking at my property record card (PRC) and noticed that after the assessor sent someone out last fall to take pictures of the properties in the neighborhood, they added two additional items to my property that do not exist, nor have they ever existed — a pier and a utility shed, claiming that one was built in 2000 and one in 2017.

Now I’m wondering what other errors have been made and if they are a deliberate attempt to increase tax revenue. Several years ago an attempt was made to reclassify my land in order to collect additional tax revenue, and I had to work with the state assessor to have the change reversed. It was clear at that time that the local assessor’s office acted counter to state statutes in doing this, and I have kept that documentation.

I would encourage everyone to look carefully at their PRC, which can be found online on the Bartholomew County GIS website, bartholomewin.elevatemaps.io.

I doubt that I am the only one who has hidden “errors” on their taxes. I’ll let you decide if this is a mistake or a pattern.